« Jeune Pinceau » International
Young Artist Competition 2023
2023 Concours international de Dessin
Jeunesse « Jeune Pinceau »
Certificate recognized by French Art Institution.
Esteemed French Judges.
France, Mainland China & Hong Kong Exhibition.
Young Artists French Exchange Tour.
2024 competition
comming soon
Application Deadline 15.10.2023
Artwork Submission deadline 31.10.2023


Supporting Organizations:

盧 森堡協辦單位
Co-organizer of Luxembourg :

Co-organizer of Taiwan :

Following the success of the past competition, « Jeune Pinceau » International Young Artist Competition 2023 will be launched on 1 May. The young artists achieved remarkable results in 2022 competition. Their art talent was well recognized by professional judges and the city government of Paris. We hope to benefit more children and teenagers to show their art talent on the international platform.
This competition is hosted by the Académie Franco-Chinoise d’Art et de Culture (Franco-Chinese Academy of Art and Culture, AFCAC) and Chinese Western Cultural Arts Association (CWCAA), in conjunction with the Amitiés franco-chinoise des Hauts de France (Franco-Chinese friendships of Hauts de France, AFC-Lille), as well as top French Art schools, École Supérieure d'Art du Nord-Pas de Calais/Dunkerque- Tourcoing and EAC-Paris, école supérieure which specializes in art market and cultural communication, international online Chinese learning application Ninchanese, Traveling Muzeum, Vis Education, Platform Art Education Group, Adam, Headquarters of the Macau Cultural Creative Industry Association, ICYA-International Curator of Youth Arts, Animyou, MASS+IGE, reqo studio and Nanjing University Muse Foundation, along with the strong support from the French Consulate General in Hong Kong and Macau and the city government of Paris.
The event aims to promote the standard and the co-creation and exchange (education, culture, exploration tour, etc.) of youths and children in different countries. It also hopes to discover future artistic talents and creating the moment for artistic chemistry and transcendence arouse from the meeting of different cultures.
Esteemed panel of judges
Young Artists will have the chance to be judged by important stakeholders from the art world in France and Hong Kong
Recognition from French Art Institution
Young Artists will be assessed by the famous French Art Institutes, the École Supérieure d'Art du Nord-Pas de Calais/Dunkerque-Tourcoing, France, EAC (EAC) in Paris and will receive accredited certificates from the institutes.
Young Artist Exchange Tour
Winners and semi-finalists will earn a place to participate in an artistic academic tour to France (self-paid), including masterclasses with professionals from art institutions and exchange with local young artists
* will be adjusted based on the pandemic
France, Mainland China & Hong Kong Art Exhibition
Selected Artworks will be toured around in an Exhibition in France, Mainland China & Hong Kong
*will be adjusted based on the pandemic
Grand prix du《Jeune Pinceau》
1 award from each division & category
✔ Trophy & Certificate
Prix du talent《Jeune Pinceau》
5 awards from each division & category
✔ Trophy & Certificate
Prix « un autre regard »
1-3 award(s) from each division & category
✔ Trophy & Certificate
Sélection du jury « espoir »
✔ Certificate
Certificat de Participation
All applicants
✔ Certificate
Prix d’excellence pour l'enseignement artistique
2 or more finalists from the same group will be awarded
✔ Trophy & Certificate
Prix d'encouragement pour l’enseignement artistique des jeunes
10 or more entrants from the same group will be awarded
✔ Certificate
Award Winning Works Exhibition in France
(Paris Town Hall)
Thanks to the support from the city government of Paris, the award-winning works exhibition of 2022 French station was successfully completed at the Paris Town Hall.
Post-competition events
The goal of the exchange tour is to turn the two-dimensional knowledge learning into a three-dimensional learning experience, to broaden the international vision of young artists, to let the cultural level of the new generation reach a new height, and inject stronger cultural and artistic vitality into different places
Winners and semi-finalists will earn a place to participate in an artistic academic tour to France
Tour content: Visit the inspiration source and cradle of most French artists, attend masterclasses from art professionals from famous art institution, visit famous French artists’ studios, learn and create with professional artists
Exchange tour will be filmed
This tour is self-paid


Aude de Kerros
Ming Tong
Matrial Chmielina Verscharve
A well-known French cartoonist and illustrator. He has drawn covers and illustrations for the world’s top newspapers and magazines (such as the New Yorker and GQ Vogue, etc.) His masterpieces, the children's drawing book "The Trilogy of Life" has also been translated into Chinese.
Well-known French artist, art movement and art critic, holds the French National Chivalry Medal, and is the winner of the French Institute of Printmaking.
Plastic artist,professor at the Superior School of Art of Nord Pas de Calais
Director of the Tourcoing site and Director of Studies - Nord Pas-de-Calais School of Art
Etudiants d’art
Art graduate group review
Special Judgin Committee
(Un Certain Regard)
Romuald Guiboux
Edusha Lassissi
Lucie Marchand
Sol Tissot
Ecole supérieure technique en Art et Communication is a benchmark institution leading the development of French art market management, cultural management and dissemination, cultural heritage protection and restoration, and jewelry.

Mr. Clement Chan
(Principal Judge of
Hand drawing division)

Mr. Nicolas Lesaffre
(Principal Judge of
Digital drawing division)

Mr. William Kan
(Principal Judge of
Digital ai division)
Mr. Benjamin Cabouat
( Honorary Judge)
Ms. Liu Cheng Mui
( Hand drawing division)
Ms. Shirky Chan
( Hand drawing division)
Clement Chan specializes in painting and design culture, and is also a well-known artist in Hong Kong. His painting style is influenced by Cubism, American Abstract Expressionism and Neo-Expressionism. In addition to painting, Chen has also been involved in calligraphy, music, new poetry and literary philosophy for many years, making the pictures appear a unique realm of beauty. His works are now collected by the Hong Kong Museum of Art and the Hong Kong Arts Development Council.
Award winning French animation director, character and art toy artist and digital artist. Over 15+ years Nicolas has created a colorful palette of films, illustration, projection mapping , augmented reality in Paris, London, Los Angeles and founded and leading the creative animation studio, Nikopicto Limited.
Nicolas’s artwork has been awarded and showcased closely to 100 international film festivals and publications such as Hong Kong Palace Museum, Cannes Lions Festival etc.
Renowned film director, art director, mater class instructor, vetting committee
of Hong Kong Film Development Council, film Festival Judge. He has been in the industry for 20 years being an all-round creator, and the director of animation films with over 100 million at the box office in China, with a cumulative of more than 100 million US dollars. He has participated in more than 100 animations/live-action films/series/ads and company promotions.
The consul of Culture, Education and Science from the Consulate General of France in Hong Kong and Macau
Famous contemporary painter in Hong Kong, Vice-Chairman of the Hong Kong Artists Association. She was the winner of the 2011 grand award in Guan-lan international biannual of prints. Her works are collected by many arts galleries and museums in China such as Hong Kong Museum of Art, Hong Kong Hertitage Museum, Jiangsu Provincial Art Museum, Zhejiang Art Museum, etc.
An independent curator and art columnist. Shirky was invited by The Hong Kong Institution of Education as their supporting and professional artist at the “Arts @ School” project in 2014. And being the part-time lecturer at Hong Kong Design Institute in 2020. Selected curating projects include fund raising exhibition presented by Lamborhgini Hong Kong, “Ze/Ro” group exhibtion at Ben Brown Fine Arts (HK). Since 2017, she has been the vice Chair, and now the Chairlady, of Hong Kong Art School Alumni Network. From 2019-2021, She has written and published over 25 art related articles.

Mr. PureHay
( Digital drawing division)
The Chairman of the Hong Kong Illustrators Association, In 2022, he was awarded the Gold Award by the UK Innovation Enterprise Academy for Outstanding Artist, the Annual Illustrator Award by the Japan Illustrators Association in 2021, and the Silver and Bronze Awards by the Japan Illustrators Association JIA Illustration Award in 2020-21. He also participated in the "Asian Youth Creative Platform" in 2011, and his works were exhibited at the Kaohsiung Pier-2 Art District in Taiwan. In 2010, he won the Asia-Pacific Grand Champion of the Corel Creative Design Competition and the Grand Champion of the International Character Design Competition held by Fluid Friction in 2008.

Mr. Pierre Ducos
( Digital drawing division)
An award winning and Oscar nominated CG Director and supervisor.
Graduated from the world's most prestigious animation school, Gobelins, as well as Supifocom/rubika, Pierre has had a successful career as an animation director and CG supervisor for the past 20 years, working in Paris, London, Amsterdam and Hong Kong.
His work includes the direction of two multi-award winning animated shorts, "True Color" and "La détente", screened at the Annecy Film Festival, SICAF in Seoul and the Clermont-Ferrand Film Festival, to name a few.
With over 50 collaborations with worldwide brands such as Volvo, Adidas, Nickelodeon, Nestlé, Pierre has developed a unique style in creating original characters in 2D, 3D and also in live action.
As a CG supervisor, he explored new ways to mix 2D and 3D animation on the feature film Adama, and more recently on the Oscar-nominated film "I lost my Body", which won the Cristal at the Annecy animation Festival.

Mr. Sam Weng
(Ai Art division)
An animation artist in Shanghai, China, and the manager of the brand PURE ART. As early as the end of the 1980s, he began to participate in the animation work of Disney's animation films. Until now, he has participated in top-tier animation projects, including French animation films "Zarafa", "Loulou-L'incroyable secret", "Avril monde truque" ,which all won the international film festival awards. Weng Ming has served as the art director of the animation film "Deep Sea" with the highest production quality in China over the years. With 30 years of painting skills and dedication to visual quality, he is definitely a leader in modern Chinese animation art.

Mr. Bobsin Chiu
( Ai Art division)
Taiwan active artist, host of Hollywood Character Animation Forum, host of Taiwan Character Animation Forum. He has 15 years of artistic background, including brand design, graffiti art, animation design and AI electronic painting, and its service customers include film and television entertainment, catering and food , culture and education, public relations marketing, government agencies, etc.
The launch of the competition
31 OCT
Artwork submission deadline
3 Feb
Final results annoucement (France)
Exhibition in
Exhibition in
Mainland China
15 OCT
Online application deadline
07 DEC
Semi-final results annoucement
3-15 FEB
Exhibition in France
at the Paris City Hall
Exhibition in
Hong Kong
Art tour in France
Group A: Kindergarten
Group B:P.1 to P.3
Group C:P.4 to P.6
Group D:S.1 to S.3
Group E:S.4 to S.6
Group F: Tertiary students
The competition accepts individual entries or group entries (The same group must have at least 5 participants to apply)
1. Hand Drawing division:
open to all groups
2. Digital Drawing division:
open to S.1-tertiary students (Group D-F) only
3. Digital Ai art division:
open to S.1-tertiary students (Group D-F) only
Choose ONE (accept hand-drawn and digital artworks):
Nature reconquers the world
What it would be like to bring nature back to the technologically developed cities we live in? -
I‘m also a master of art
Create a drawing/painting inspired by the work of a French artist or an artist from the participant’s country (France/Mainland China/Hong Kong/Macau/Luxembourg/Singapore/Japan) -
The meaning of sports
“Slow and steady wins the race”. In light of Paris hosting the Olympic Games, apart from winning the game, what is/are the meaning of sports? (health, team spirit, surpassing oneself, solidarity, interest...?)
Each participant can join up to three themes and submit a maximum of three artworks (one artwork per theme).
Hand Drawing/Painting
Size: A4 (21 x 29.7cm) or A3 (29.7 x 42cm) only (framed works are not accepted)
Form: Two-dimensional (collage, three-dimensional paintings, clay paintings are not accepted). Actual artwork has to be submitted by post or in-person.
Material: Only drawing paper or unframed canvas are accepted. For Chinese paintings, the Chinese art paper has to be glued on a thin cardboard (framed canvas and panel boards are not accepted) , size only in A4 (21 x 29.7cm) or A3 (29.7 x 42cm)
Medium: Any art medium, such as coloring pencil, oil pastel, watercolor, poster color, acrylic paint, ink, etc.
Please submit the following items in the application form:
A description of your concept with not more than 200 words
Scan or take a photo of the hand-drawn artwork, and upload as jpg format
A4 or A3 size ONLY
Paper or unframed canvas
Size except A4 or A3
Framed canvas, panel boards
Digital Drawing/Painting
Size: not limited to but not less than 2000x2000 pixel, 300 dpi
File: jpg
Please submit the following items in the application form:
A description of your concept with not more than 200 words
one sketch (the brief/rough drawing of your preliminary ideas) and one halfway done drawing
the software name(s) you use for creating the artwork
Digital Ai art
Size: 3840 x 3840 pixel, 300 dpi
File: jpg
Please submit the following items in the application form:
A description of your concept with not more than 200 words
A workflow picture showing the whole process of creating the artwork, including from text to image, in print, image to image, digital painting enhancement etc.
the ai model name(s), prompts, and all related figures you use for creating the artwork
the software name(s) you use (if any)
Entry Fee:
Individual:HK$380/theme per person
Group: HK$330/theme per person (Only for schools/organizations. The same group must have at least 5 participants to register)
* The entry fee includes trophy and certificate.
Exhibition Fee:
If the contestants are shortlisted for the finals, they can apply to participate in the award winning works exhibition held in France, Mainland China and Hong Kong
Artwork Return Handling Fee:
If you wish to apply for artwork return, an extra handling fee will be charged
Self pickup: HK$50/artwork; SF Express: HK$90/artwork (pay on delivery)
Group artwork return: HK$50/artwork (self pickup / SF Express pay on delivery to group address at once)
Payment methods as follows:
Bank transfer (HSBC 808-809958-001 Long Wise Inc. Ltd.)
Payme (Please click here: https://qr.payme.hsbc.com.hk/2/VfavzxaXfye1G7udfGKfT3)
FPS (+852 94291927 Long Wise Inc. Ltd.)
A payment slip of the entry fee must be uploaded at the time of application
The payment slip must show applicant's name and contact number.
Hand drawing/painting:
Click the above button to fill in the online application form.
Wait for the "artwork code" which will be sent by whatsapp in 3-5 working days. If you are unsure about the code, please ask for it on whatsapp 94291927.
Please Print the "entry label".
Write the "artwork code" on the entry label.
Affix the "entry label" and payment slip on the lower right corner of the back of the artwork.
Submit the actual artwork(s) in person or by post to: Room C, 14/F, Wang King Industrial Building, 2-4 Tai Yau Street, San Po Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Please specify "2023 « Jeune Pinceau » International Young Artist Competition" on the envelope. Office opening hours: Mon to Fri 10:00am to 5:30pm.
Digital drawing & Ai art:
Click the above button to fill in the online application form.
Wait for the "artwork code" which will be sent by whatsapp in 3-5 working days. If you are unsure about the code, please ask for it on whatsapp 94291927.
For digital artwork submission, we will still send you an artwork code for reference. Entry label and actual artwork submission are not required.
If the artwork is awarded, the applicant will need to print the artwork and the "entry label".
Write the "artwork code" on the entry label.
Affix the "entry label" on the lower right corner of the back of the artwork.
Submit the actual artwork(s) in person or by post to: Room C, 14/F, Wang King Industrial Building, 2-4 Tai Yau Street, San Po Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Please specify "2023 « Jeune Pinceau » International Young Artist Competition" on the envelope. Office opening hours: Mon to Fri 10:00am to 5:30pm.
1. Applicants who provide any incomplete, illegible or contain false or inaccurate information may be disqualified. Please ensure all the information provided is accurate and complete before submission. 2. The applicants warrant that the information provided is accurate and true, and agree to accept that the organizers of the event will require them to provide relevant documents to verify accuracy and authenticity of the information if required. 3. Entries must not contain illegal, obscene, inflammatory, provocative, defamatory, pornographic, vulgar, obscene, violent, racially discriminatory, offensive or inappropriate and commercial elements. 4. Artworks must be original. If any entry is found to have piracy issue, the relevant applicant will be disqualified. 5. Entries must not have been publicly displayed or exhibited, must not be subject to any copyright restrictions, and must not have won awards or are currently participating in other competition selections. 6. The competition jury has the final judgement authority, and no contestants may object. 7. Entry fees paid are non-refundable under any circumstances. 8. The personal information provided by the applicants will be used for contact only, and will not be disclosed to any other parties. Applicants are reminded that they should proofread and check the information before submission. If applicants wish to change or modify any submitted information or file, please contact us through email and type your English full name, contact number on the application form submitted as well as the artwork code (if applicable) on the 'Subject' section. 9. Trophies and certificates can be collected by SF Express or in person at the office (Address: Room C, 14/F, Wang King Industrial Building, 2-4 Tai Yau Street, San Po Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong). 10. Artworks that do not need to be returned will only be kept for 3 months from the date of announcement of the winners list. Overdue artworks will be processed or discarded without prior notice. 11. After the awards ceremony, all unclaimed certificates and trophies will only be kept for three months. If the prizes, including trophies, of the winners are overdue, they will be disposed or discarded without prior notice. 12. The organizers will endeavour to preserve and handle all artworks. However, the organizers and its partners will not be responsible or compensate for any damage or loss of the works due to accidents. 13. Use of digitised works : Participants authorize the organizers and all partners for free to use the electronic pictures of their submitted works and the digital images and pictures (including NFT and other forms of images and pictures that they submitted and scanned in the event indefinitely and unlimitedly, hereinafter referred to as the "Image"). The scope of use includes the website and social network platforms of the organizers and its partners, and allows the organizers and its partners to authorize these images to third parties (especially media such as newspapers and magazines) for the reporting and promotion of the event . In general, by participating in this event, participants acknowledge that they have been informed and declare to be fully aware of the following facts: In order to better promote this event and the activities of the organizers of this event and its partners within the legal period of author rights protection as well as extensions that may be granted by law or international conventions, the organizers and its partners may use, reproduce, display and/or disseminate to the public the drawing images and pictures submitted by the applicants in any form and by any means, especially those seeking sponsorship partners of the event and/or sponsors. 14. Use of Original Works by the winners: The winners authorize the organizers to reproduce, print and display the original work (whether awarded or not) in any private or public exhibition. In order to publicize and promote this event and the exhibition displays involved in the event, the winner also authorizes the organizers and its partners to print, reproduce or digitally scan their original work in any form and communicate it to the public. 15. The organizers undertake to mention the author's name when promoting and presenting the work or parts of it. 16. During the activities of 2023 « Jeune Pinceau » International Young Artist Competition, photo taking and/or video shooting may be carried out for promotion and future review purposes. Applicants can show their consent in the application form whether they agree or disagree to authorize the portrait rights at the event site, the entire process of the event, and all rights related to copyrights in the event process to 2023 « Jeune Pinceau » International Young Artist Competition. 17. If the artwork is shortlisted or awarded, the applicant can apply to participate in the touring exhibitions held in Mainland China, France and Hong Kong. The participation fee is HK$800 per artwork, and the fee has to be paid after the final results are announced. Applicants may choose not to participate in the exhibitions. 18. There is no inspection system nor appeal mechanism for the 2023 « Jeune Pinceau » International Young Artist Competition, and the final decision on the results of the competition will be made by either the organisers or the competition jury. 19. The exhibited works will have the opportunity to be sold during the charity sale in the award-winning exhibitions held in Mainland China, France and Hong Kong. All proceeds of the will be donated to non-profit organizations - the Académie Franco-Chinoise d’Art et de Culture (Franco-Chinese Academy of Art and Culture, AFCAC) and Chinese Western Cultural Arts Association (CWCAA) or more. 20. The applicants are required to promise not to use their entries (including the images of the works) outside the scope of the competition, especially not to join other competition(s) or sign other transfer or license agreements other than this contract or contract, whether use of the work involved (including electronic images of the work) is free or chargeable before the end of the competition, unless the organizers' written permission is obtained. 21. Applicants are free to use images of their work one year after the end date of that year's competition. 22. Applicants who wish to retrieve their artworks are required to pay HKD 50 (for self-pick up) or HKD 90 (for SF express). 23. Changes to the Rules: Any technical, legal or financial restriction or restriction, even if it does not constitute a force majeure in law, as it may prevent the smooth running of the competition, the organizers reserves the right to modify the current rules and conditions of the event, and in the most serious abbreviation, delay or cancellation of competitions and events. In this case, the organizers undertake to notify the applicants of the event by appropriate means (e.g. e-mail, telephone or by post). 24. The dates and locations of the various events stipulated in these Rules and Regulations are determined on an ad hoc basis and are subject to change due to external constraints or changes in schedule, especially the texts, laws or regulations of any nature that restrict or affect the implementation of the event, especially in the context of today's health crisis due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The dates of the event (especially the announcement of results, exhibition schedule, etc.) may be changed during the event, and the organizers will notify the applicants by appropriate means. 25. Final Terms: By submitting their own artworks through this campaign, applicants declare that they have read and understood the above rules and regulations, and accept them unconditionally. 26. This competition and these Terms and Conditions will be governed by the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of China. 27. In case of any dispute, the organizers reserve the right of final decision.