法國藝術文化管理學院(Ecole supérieure technique en Art et Communication)
Founded in 1985, the French Academy of Arts and Culture Administration (EAC) has become a benchmark institution leading the development of French art market management, cultural management and dissemination, cultural heritage protection and restoration, and jewelry. EAC innovatively breaks through the barriers between finance, management and culture and art, and pioneers the establishment of a learning model for professional managers in the culture and art industry. Possess a national first-level rating certification for arts and culture management diplomas. Campuses are located in Paris, Lyon, Nice and Monaco. The school issues nationally accredited third-level, second-level and first-level diplomas (equivalent to university, MBA, master's level), with a focus on cultural media and the art market.EAC has a clear goal: to adapt to the rapidly changing economic, cultural and artistic environment of the 21st century, as well as the highly specialized new technologies and the increasingly rapid dissemination of information, by adopting an open approach. The professors of EAC are all industry experts from the arts and cultural undertakings. Opera Houses, cultural and artistic multinational corporations hold important positions.