"Mona Lisa is Running Away" T.O.P Mall Pop-Up
A Hong Kong mall pop-up event, bringing our exclusive IP "The Escape of Mona Lisa" to life
Activity Date
Mona Lisa - Exclusive IP
Mall Pop-up
During the Lunar New Year and Valentine's Day in 2022, Traveling Muzeum and ZCWO (a trendy creation company), joined hands with T.O.P This is Our Place (the concentration in Mong Kok) to present a two-month exhibition of "Mona Lisa Travelling to Mong Kok". By combining art and playful elements, Mona Lisa has escaped from the museum in France and traveled to Mong Kok, incarnated as the goddess of fashion and appeared in T.O.P to have a date with everyone in different images!
活動重點 Activity focus:
本地藝術家聯手創作首個Mona Lisa NFT慈善售賣展覽 First Mona Lisa NFT charity sale exhibition with local artists
期間限定蒙娜麗莎主題Café及26cm系列模型 Mona Lisa Pop-Up Café & 26cm series limited edition figures
打卡熱點:走進蒙娜麗莎畫框與DJ Mona Lisa點播情歌打卡 Check-in spots: Step into the painting frame of DJ Mona Lisa
消費限量換領:8款玩味蒙娜麗莎盲盒及T.O.P商戶優惠券 Limited redemption: 8 playful Mona Lisa blind boxes and T.O.P merchant coupons
Project Gallery