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​比賽條款與細則 Art Competition Terms & Conditions



2. 參賽者必須保證所提供的資訊是準確和真實,並同意接受主辦方與其合作夥伴將要求他們提供相關檔案,以驗證資料的準確性和真實性(如有需要)。


3. 參賽作品不得包含非法、淫穢、煽動性、挑釁、誹謗、色情、粗俗、淫穢、暴力、種族歧視、冒犯或不恰當和商業元素。


4. 作品必須為原創,如被發現畫作侵犯版權的話,違規者將會被取消資格。


5. 參賽作品不能曾經公開展示或展出、不能受到任何版權限制、不能是曾經獲獎或正在參與其他比賽遴選之作品。


6. 比賽評審擁有最終判決權,任何參賽者不得反對。


7. 在任何情況下,報名費均不獲退還。


8. 報名時所提供的個人資料僅供聯絡使用,將不會外洩。敬請各位在填表時細心檢查,如需更改任何資料或上傳的文件,請電郵通知本會,並在電郵標題填寫參賽者的英文全名、已提交的聯絡電話和畫作編號 (如有)。


9. 獎座和證書可由順豐快遞或親自前往辦公室領取(地址:香港九龍新蒲崗大有街2-4號旺景工業大廈14樓C室)。


10. 不需退回的作品將從獲獎者名單公佈當日起保留3個月。 逾期作品將由本會自行處理或丟棄,並不會另行通知。


11. 在頒獎禮後,所有未被領取的證書和獎座,本會只會保留三個月時間。如果得獎者的獎項包括獎盃 逾期未取,本會將自行處理或丟棄,並不會另行通知。


12. 主辦方與其合作夥伴將盡最大努力去儲藏和處理所有作品。 然而,主辦方與其合作夥伴將不會對因事故或意外造成的任何損壞或損失負責或賠償。


13. 使用電子作品:參與者免費授權主辦方與其合作夥伴無限期使用他們提交作品的電子圖片以及數字影象和圖片(包括NFT和他們在活動中提交和掃描的其他形式的影象和圖片,以下簡稱“影象”)。 使用範圍包括主辦方與其合作夥伴的網站和社交網路平臺,並允許主辦方與其合作夥伴授權這些影象給第三方(特別是報紙和雜誌等媒體)報道和宣傳活動。 透過參加本次活動,參與者承認他們已充分瞭解以下事實:為了在作者權利保護的法律期限內更好地促進本次活動以及本活動主辦方與其合作夥伴的活動,以及法律或國際公約可能授予的延期,主辦方與其合作夥伴可以以任何方式使用、複製、展示和/或向公眾傳播參賽者提交的繪畫影象和圖片,特別是那些尋求贊助合作伙伴的人 活動和/或贊助商。


14. 有關獲獎者使用原創作品:獲獎者授權主辦方與其合作夥伴在任何私人或公共展覽中複製、列印和展示原創作品(無論是否獲獎)。 為了宣傳和推廣本次活動以及與活動有關的展覽展示,獲獎者授權主辦方與其合作夥伴以任何形式列印、複製或數字掃描其原創作品,並將其傳達給公眾。


15. 主辦方與其合作夥伴承諾在宣傳和展示作品或部分作品時提及作者的名字。


16. 在2023年“Jeune Pinceau”國際少年兒童繪畫交流大賽期間,可能會進行拍照和/或影片拍攝,以進行推廣和未來的審查。 參賽者可以在申請表中表示是否同意授權活動現場的肖像權、活動的整個過程以及與活動過程中的版權有關的所有權利給2023年“Jeune Pinceau”國際少年兒童繪畫交流大賽。


17. 如果作品入圍或獲獎,參賽者可以申請參加在中國內地、法國和香港舉行的巡迴展覽。 每件作品的參展費為800港元,合資格者必須在最終結果公佈後支付費用。 參賽者亦可以選擇不參加展覽。


18. 2023年“Jeune Pinceau”國際少年兒童繪畫交流大賽將不設任何查卷制度或上訴機制,本會對比賽結果擁有最終決定權。


19. 參展作品原作有機會於中、法及香港的得獎作品展覽中義賣,義賣收益將全數捐贈非牟利機構-法中文化藝術聯合會與中西文化藝術發展協會。


20. 除非獲得主辦方與其合作夥伴的書面許可,否則在比賽結束前,參賽作品不可參加其他比賽或簽署本合同以外的其他轉讓或許可協議,無論使用所涉及的作品(包括作品的電子影像)不論免費還是收費,參賽者承諾不會在比賽範圍之外使用他們的參賽作品(包括作品的影象)。


21. 在當年比賽結束日期的一年後,參賽者可以自由使用其作品圖像。


22. 如果參賽者希望取回作品,他們必須支付50港元(自取)或90港元(順豐快遞)。


23. 規則更改:任何技術、法律或財務限制,主辦方保留修改活動的現行規則和條件的權利,包括推遲或取消比賽和活動。 在這種情況下,組織者承諾透過適當的方式(電子郵件、電話或郵寄)通知活動參賽者。


24. 由於外部限制或時間表的變化,特別是限制或影響本次活動的實施的任何性質的文字、法律或法規,以及x因新冠肺炎大流行而導致的健康危機的情況下,本規則和條例中規定的各種活動的日期和地點是臨時決定,因而可能會發生變化。 活動日期(特別是結果公告、展覽時間表等)可能會在活動期間更改,主辦方與其合作夥伴將透過適當方式通知參賽者。


25. 最終條款:透過本次活動提交自己的作品,參賽者宣告他們已閱讀並理解上述規則和條例,並無條件接受它們。


26. 本競賽及本條款和條件將受中國香港特別行政區法律管轄。


27. 如有任何爭議,本會擁有最終決定權。


1. Applicants who provide any incomplete, illegible or contain false or inaccurate information may be disqualified. Please ensure all the information provided is accurate and complete before submission.


2. The applicants warrant that the information provided is accurate and true, and agree to accept that the organizers of the event will require them to provide relevant documents to verify accuracy and authenticity of the information if required.


3. Entries must not contain illegal, obscene, inflammatory, provocative, defamatory, pornographic, vulgar, obscene, violent, racially discriminatory, offensive or inappropriate and commercial elements.


4. Artworks must be original. If any entry is found to have piracy issue, the relevant applicant will be disqualified.


5. Entries must not have been publicly displayed or exhibited, must not be subject to any copyright restrictions, and must not have won awards or are currently participating in other competition selections.


6. The competition jury has the final judgement authority, and no contestants may object.


7. Entry fees paid are non-refundable under any circumstances.


8. The personal information provided by the applicants will be used for contact only, and will not be disclosed to any other parties. Applicants are reminded that they should proofread and check the information before submission. If applicants wish to change or modify any submitted information or file, please contact us through email and type your English full name, contact number on the application form submitted as well as the artwork code (if applicable) on the 'Subject' section.


9. Trophies and certificates can be collected by SF Express or in person at the office (Address: Room C, 14/F, Wang King Industrial Building, 2-4 Tai Yau Street, San Po Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong).


10. Artworks that do not need to be returned will only be kept for 3 months from the date of announcement of the winners list. Overdue artworks will be processed or discarded without prior notice.


11. After the awards ceremony, all unclaimed certificates and trophies will only be kept for three months. If the prizes, including trophies, of the winners are overdue, they will be disposed or discarded without prior notice.


12. The organizers will endeavour to preserve and handle all artworks. However, the organizers and its partners will not be responsible or compensate for any damage or loss of the works due to accidents.


13. Use of digitised works : Participants authorize the organizers and all partners for free to use the electronic pictures of their submitted works and the digital images and pictures (including NFT and other forms of images and pictures that they submitted and scanned in the event indefinitely and unlimitedly, hereinafter referred to as the "Image"). The scope of use includes the website and social network platforms of the organizers and its partners, and allows the organizers and its partners to authorize these images to third parties (especially media such as newspapers and magazines) for the reporting and promotion of the event . In general, by participating in this event, participants acknowledge that they have been informed and declare to be fully aware of the following facts: In order to better promote this event and the activities of the organizers of this event and its partners within the legal period of author rights protection as well as extensions that may be granted by law or international conventions, the organizers and its partners may use, reproduce, display and/or disseminate to the public the drawing images and pictures submitted by the applicants in any form and by any means, especially those seeking sponsorship partners of the event and/or sponsors.


14. Use of Original Works by the winners: The winners authorize the organizers to reproduce, print and display the original work (whether awarded or not) in any private or public exhibition. In order to publicize and promote this event and the exhibition displays involved in the event, the winner also authorizes the organizers and its partners to print, reproduce or digitally scan their original work in any form and communicate it to the public.


15. The organizers undertake to mention the author's name when promoting and presenting the work or parts of it.


16. During the activities of 2023 « Jeune Pinceau » International Young Artist Competition, photo taking and/or video shooting may be carried out for promotion and future review purposes. Applicants can show their consent in the application form whether they agree or disagree to authorize the portrait rights at the event site, the entire process of the event, and all rights related to copyrights in the event process to 2023 « Jeune Pinceau » International Young Artist Competition.


17. If the artwork is shortlisted or awarded, the applicant can apply to participate in the touring exhibitions held in Mainland China, France and Hong Kong. The participation fee is HK$800 per artwork, and the fee has to be paid after the final results are announced. Applicants may choose not to participate in the exhibitions.


18. There is no inspection system nor appeal mechanism for the 2023 « Jeune Pinceau » International Young Artist Competition, and the final decision on the results of the competition will be made by either the organisers or the competition jury.


19. The exhibited works will have the opportunity to be sold during the charity sale in the award-winning exhibitions held in Mainland China, France and Hong Kong. All proceeds of the will be donated to non-profit organizations - the Académie Franco-Chinoise d’Art et de Culture (Franco-Chinese Academy of Art and Culture, AFCAC) and Chinese Western Cultural Arts Association (CWCAA) or more.


20. The applicants are required to promise not to use their entries (including the images of the works) outside the scope of the competition, especially not to join other competition(s) or sign other transfer or license agreements other than this contract or contract, whether use of the work involved (including electronic images of the work) is free or chargeable before the end of the competition, unless the organizers' written permission is obtained.


21. Applicants are free to use images of their work one year after the end date of that year's competition.


22. Applicants who wish to retrieve their artworks are required to pay HKD 50 (for self-pick up) or HKD 90 (for SF express).


23. Changes to the Rules: Any technical, legal or financial restriction or restriction, even if it does not constitute a force majeure in law, as it may prevent the smooth running of the competition, the organizers reserves the right to modify the current rules and conditions of the event, and in the most serious abbreviation, delay or cancellation of competitions and events. In this case, the organizers undertake to notify the applicants of the event by appropriate means (e.g. e-mail, telephone or by post).


24. The dates and locations of the various events stipulated in these Rules and Regulations are determined on an ad hoc basis and are subject to change due to external constraints or changes in schedule, especially the texts, laws or regulations of any nature that restrict or affect the implementation of the event, especially in the context of today's health crisis due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The dates of the event (especially the announcement of results, exhibition schedule, etc.) may be changed during the event, and the organizers will notify the applicants by appropriate means.


25. Final Terms: By submitting their own artworks through this campaign, applicants declare that they have read and understood the above rules and regulations, and accept them unconditionally.


26. This competition and these Terms and Conditions will be governed by the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of China.


27. In case of any dispute, the organizers reserve the right of final decision. 

© 2024 by Traveling Muzeum

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